Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I Get By With a Little Help from My Friends

People say that you can tell a lot about a person by just looking at her friends. If that's true, I guess I must be a damn fine human being because my friends are so amazing...

I have friends who work their butts off roofing our garage and doing projects around our house so that our living space is improved in so many ways.

I have friends who make a home cooked meal for me so that, even though my husband is working, I can still enjoy my birthday to the fullest.

I have friends who, knowing that I am having a bad day at work, will stop by my cubical and make me laugh - just to make that bad day a little more tolerable.

I have friends who will come to an event I am in charge of at work - just because I needed them.

I have friends who help us move... several times... even from one state to another.

I have friends who will show up with two pints of Ben and Jerry's, and help me gorge on ice cream to melt away the sorrow or celebrate success.

I have friends who, no matter how few times we see or talk to each other, we are still as connected as we ever were, whether we were just down the hall, down the street or across the country.

I have friends that will listen to me while I blather on in some random, mundane story, and will ask questions because they are genuinely interested.

They'll sit and read my blog, because that's how much they care.

Golly - I really am so fortunate.